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Postpartum doula 
Your support during the time after birth 

Many traditions regard the first 40 days after birth as most influencial for the health of a woman in the following 40 years. 

Wochenbettdoula Janina Keller

"Not only the child is being born through the mother but also the mother is being born through her child" 
Gertrud LeFort

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Are you looking for a protective environment in the precious first weeks and months, so that your baby can arrive gently in this world?


Are you dreaming of space to enjoy the time with your baby while arriving slowly in your new role as a mother? For each child anew?


Would you like to give yourself time for your physical healing to regenerate in your energy and regain your vital physical strength? Would you like to celebrate the miracle your body just performed by giving life in whatever form and be completely spoiled during the first time after birth?


Are you longing for emotional, practical and spiritual support, so that you can have an empowering and transformative experience? 


Are you looking for an open heart and ear to share joy and happiness in the moments of awe, but also in the more difficult and challenging times?


If your answer is yes, my postpartum doula support might be right  for you. 


Home: Opening Hours

Hi, I´m Janina,

by your side  for a good beginning 

In my work I offer you a space for holisitc,  emotional and mental councelling and guidance  through all phases of womanhood: from fertility, pregnancy and birth to postpartum and beyond. Including all the highs and the lows this special time might include.

In my work I connect modern councellelling approaches  with traditional (Ayurvedic) female knowledge & Yoga to support you to move through this special time in confidence. I offer you tools and techniques to prepare for birth and motherhood on all levels while getting more and more in touch with your inner intuition. For self determined and happy births and a soft start into this life. 
Ways to Work wth Me
Doula female empowerment Yoga Janina Keller

Hello. dear mum to be,
great you are here


Are you pregnant for the first time and are rather anxious about the birth? Do you suspect that birth and becoming a mama must also be different from what you generally think about it  told?  â€‹


Have you already had a difficult birth behind you and would like a different experience this time? 


Would you like to go to the next level and experience pregnancy, childbirth and the first holy weeks of arrival in a new consciousness and connect with your female soul power?  


Have you just become a mom and would you like a holistic, nourishing and loving accompaniment in the puerperium?  


Would you like to give yourself as mom, your baby and your family the best possible and gentlest start into your new life?


Would you like a holistic personal accompaniment on your way, which empowers you to come into your strength and this way in a circle  to a female and empowering soulrise sisterhood community?


Liebe Janina, 

Du wunderbare Seele, stets mit einer Zauberhand kommst Du vorbei und kreierst die eindrücklichsten und wunderbarsten Momente. . es waren für mich und mein Baby außergewöhnliche und berührende Stunden, die wir miteinander verbringen durften. Es war und ist unbeschreiblich. Worte finde ich dafür nicht. Nach dem Heilbad hat mein Baby ganz fest und tief geschlafen, im Schlaf geseufzt und gelächelt, es war so schön. Nun bin ich mir sicher, dass es nach unserer intensiven Geburtsreise gut angekommen ist in dieser Welt, sicher gelandet. Ich hatte wirklich den Eindruck es hat sich ganz viel gelöst. Er schien irgendwie erleichtert, als ob ihm ein Stein vom Herzen gefallen wäre. 1000 Dank für diese wunderschönen Besuche und Stunden. Ich habe mich von Dir getragen und so eingebettet gefühlt.. konnte so sein, wie ich bin und das hat es mit ermöglicht, alles zuzulassen, was noch gesehen werden wollte. Wie kann ich Dir nur danken? 


Hello. dear mum to be,
great you are here


Are you pregnant for the first time and are rather anxious about the birth? Do you suspect that birth and becoming a mama must also be different from what you generally think about it  told?  â€‹


Have you already had a difficult birth behind you and would like a different experience this time? 


Would you like to go to the next level and experience pregnancy, childbirth and the first holy weeks of arrival in a new consciousness and connect with your female soul power?  


Have you just become a mom and would you like a holistic, nourishing and loving accompaniment in the puerperium?  


Would you like to give yourself as mom, your baby and your family the best possible and gentlest start into your new life?


Would you like a holistic personal accompaniment on your way, which empowers you to come into your strength and this way in a circle  to a female and empowering soulrise sisterhood community?

Doula female empowerment Yoga Janina Keller


Closing the bones


Während einer Closing Zeremonie wird die Frau und der Lebensabschnitt ihrer zurückliegenden Schwangerschaft & Geburt bewusst in den Blick genommen und liebevoll integriert, sodass sie gestärkt in ihr Leben als Frau UND Mutter gehen kann.  


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Postpartum support
after birth

online & in person around Konstanz, Kreuzlingen

  • 1  appointment of 90 min before birth 

  • Ebook on ayurvedic nourishing foods for the time after birth 

  • Email/ Textsupport 

  • 5 visits of 2 hours, including any of my service options below

  • option of early postnatal yoga

  • on request elements of systemic councelling can be integrated 

  • and more


1800 Euro / Franken


This package can be regarded as an example. An individualized package can be created according to your personal needs.  

Just get in touch to find out how I can best support you. 


Dabei kann ich Dir als Doula / Mütterpflegerin zur Seite stehen: 

With my professional background in childhood studies (B.A.) as well as my systemic councelling experience I can offer you a range of ways of support for the time after birth:


  • emotional, practical and spiritual support during the time after birth

  • sharing knowledge, that empowers you in your new life with a baby

  • support in reading your babies signals

  • empowerment to find your very own and personal way 

  • tools, that help you to bond with your baby

  • clarifying and signposting around your questions concerning your life with a baby

  • support at creating first routines with your baby

  • support at mindul and loving infant care according to Emmi Pikler

  • time to rest, in order to build a deep connection with your baby

  • with each and every baby your whole family systems and all relationships change completely. Every family member including partners and siblings needs to find their new space. As a systemic counsellor I am offering support at finding new ways as a family

  • support and counselling around siblings topics 

  • help at coping with stress and challenges

  • support at coping with ambivalent feelings such as fears, doubts or insecurities in difficult situations

  • time to talk about your birth

  • open ear for all challenges in the transition into motherhood and parenthood 

  • compassionate, and professional support in special postpartum periods (premature births, still births ect)



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