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Deutsch- & Englischsprachige Begleitung  


in Deinem body, mind & soul space

für ganzheitliche Frauengesundheit & Balance

durch alle Phasen Deiner Reise ins Muttersein 


Hi, I´m Janina,

Pregnancy, birth, postpartum and 1st year of life.
I offer in person
services in the Kreuzlingen, Zurich & Konstanz  areas and 
online around the world.

German and English speaking

online & vor Ort

Raum Kreuzlingen/ Konstanz, ZH, SH & SG 

(Deutsch und Englisch sprachige Begleitung)

by your side  for a good beginning 

In my work I offer you a space for holisitc,  emotional and mental councelling and guidance  through all phases of womanhood: from fertility, pregnancy and birth to postpartum and beyond. Including all the highs and the lows this special time might include.

In my work I connect modern councellelling approaches  with traditional (Ayurvedic) female knowledge & Yoga to support you to move through this special time in confidence. I offer you tools and techniques to prepare for birth and motherhood on all levels while getting more and more in touch with your inner intuition. For self determined and happy births and a soft start into this life. 
Signatur Program

Hello. dear mum to be,
great you are here

Are you pregnant for the first time and are rather anxious about the birth? Do you suspect that birth and becoming a mama must also be different from what you generally think about it  told?  ​

Have you already had a difficult birth behind you and would like a different experience this time? 

Would you like to go to the next level and experience pregnancy, childbirth and the first holy weeks of arrival in a new consciousness and connect with your female soul power?  

Have you just become a mom and would you like a holistic, nourishing and loving accompaniment in the puerperium?  

Would you like to give yourself as mom, your baby and your family the best possible and gentlest start into your new life?


Would you like a holistic personal accompaniment on your way, which empowers you to come into your strength and this way in a circle  to a female and empowering soulrise sisterhood community?

Doula female empowerment Yoga Janina Keller

Are you pregnant for the first time and are rather anxious about the birth? Do you suspect that birth and becoming a mama must also be different from what you generally think about it  told?  ​

Have you already had a difficult birth behind you and would like a different experience this time? 

Would you like to go to the next level and experience pregnancy, childbirth and the first holy weeks of arrival in a new consciousness and connect with your female soul power?  

Have you just become a mom and would you like a holistic, nourishing and loving accompaniment in the puerperium?  

Would you like to give yourself as mom, your baby and your family the best possible and gentlest start into your new life?


Would you like a holistic personal accompaniment on your way, which empowers you to come into your strength and this way in a circle  to a female and empowering soulrise sisterhood community?

Doula female empowerment Yoga Janina Keller

Liebe (werdende) Mama,


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A pregnancy and the first time with a baby is a very special time for most women. Besides the feelings of joy and excitement, sometimes it can also be rollercoaster of emotions. During this phase I am there for you with my various services. 

Pregnancy & birth 

Doula Angebote Schwangerschaft und Geburt

Postpartum & Beyond 

Doula Angebote Wochenbett und erstes Lebensjahr

Was andere Mamas sagen.. 

Liebe Janina, 
es lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen, wie dankbar ich Dir um Deine Doula-Unterstützung durch die Zeit von Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett bin. Du hast meiner Schwangerschaft und auch der Geburt eine Leichtigkeit und ein Vertrauen gegeben, welche ich ohne Dich niemals bekommen hätte. Du bist mit dafür verantwortlich, dass mein Baby einen so guten Start ins Leben hat. Auch bei ihm merke ich ein Urvertrauen, was mich wahnsinnig glücklich macht. Alles Liebe für Deinen weiteren Weg. In tiefer Verbundenheit. 


Ways to Work wth Me

Hello. dear mum to be,
great you are here

Doula female empowerment Yoga Janina Keller

Are you pregnant for the first time and are rather anxious about the birth? Do you suspect that birth and becoming a mama must also be different from what you generally think about it  told?  ​

Have you already had a difficult birth behind you and would like a different experience this time? 

Would you like to go to the next level and experience pregnancy, childbirth and the first holy weeks of arrival in a new consciousness and connect with your female soul power?  

Have you just become a mom and would you like a holistic, nourishing and loving accompaniment in the puerperium?  

Would you like to give yourself as mom, your baby and your family the best possible and gentlest start into your new life?


Would you like a holistic personal accompaniment on your way, which empowers you to come into your strength and this way in a circle  to a female and empowering soulrise sisterhood community?

Mögliche Themen in der Beratung könnten sein: 


... Vielleicht hast Du gerade erst erfahren hast, dass Du schwanger bist und wünschst Dir emotionalen, mentalen und ganzheitlichen Support, um Deine Reise durch die Schwangerschaft in Balance und im Vertrauen erleben zu können.

... Oder Du stehst schon kurz vor der Geburt und wünschst Dir nochmal eine individuelle und auf Deine persönlichen Themen oder Ängste zugeschnittene Geburtsvorbereitung oder Unterstützung beim Kreieren Deines optimalen Geburtssettings?

... Vielleicht hast Du auch bereits geboren. Nicht selten verlaufen die Ereignisse rund um die Geburt & den Start mit Deinem Baby anders, als Du es Dir gewünscht hattest.

Als systemische Beraterin biete ich Dir die Möglichkeit zu Geburtsaufarbeitung nach einer schwierigen oder belastender Geburtserfahrung. 


Yoga Nidra

Download my yogic deep relaxation here to create more vitality, serenity, and strength during your pregnancy & take time to deeply connect to your baby. 

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